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ICSI'2022: Final Call for Papers (March 15) (Springer LNCS) (SCI/EI/ISTP/ISI/DBLP/Scopus) |
发信人: cil 版面: 菁菁校园 浏览: 2031 回复: 0 |
1 楼 cil 发表于: 2022/3/10 22:20:37 编辑 |
ICSI'2022: Final Call for Papers (March 15) (Springer LNCS) (SCI/EI/ISTP/ISI/DBLP/Scopus)
Name: The Thirteenth International Conference on Swarm Intelligence (ICSI'2022) URL: http://www.iasei.org/icsi2022/ Dates: July 15-19, 2022 Location: Xi'an, China Final Deadline for Paper Submission is: "March 15, 2022" (Submission Website: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icsi2022) The Thirteenth International Conference on Swarm Intelligence (ICSI'2022) serves as one of most important Swarm Intelligence Forum worldwide for researchers and practitioners to exchange latest advantages in theories, technologies, and applications of swarm intelligence and related areas. The ICSI'2022 will be held in hybrid form in Xi'an, China, the capital of Shaanxi Province, and one of the oldest cities in China. The ICSI'2022 is the thirteenth annual event in this high-reputation ICSI series after successful twelve previous events. Papers presented at the ICSI'2022 will be published by Springer-Nature in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (indexed by EI Compendex, ISTP, DBLP, SCOPUS,Web of Science ISI Thomson, etc.), some high-quality papers will be selected for SCI-indexed Transaction and Journal (including IEEE Trans, IASEI Trans. Swarm Intelligence, International Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research, Swarm and Evolutionary Optimization, International Journal of Intelligent System, Entropy, Electronics, Machine Learning with Applications, etc.). Sponsored and Co-sponsored by International Association of Swarm and Evolutionary Intelligences, Peking University, Southern University of Science and Technology, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Shaxxi Normal University, etc. Technically Co-sponsored/supported by IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, IEEE Beijing Chapter, World Federation of Soft Computing, International Neural Network Society, Springer-Verlag, etc.(more to be added). The ICSI'2022 will be held in Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, China. Due to the pandemic of COVID-19, ICSI'2022 will be a hybrid presentation conference (offline and online together), i.e., some authors of the accepted papers can choose to present their work online if they indeed have difficulty in traveling oversea during the ICSI'2022 conference. Notice, ICSI'2022 has a new Chinese Track (ICSI'2022-CT) to receive Papers in Chinese this year. You are welcome to contribute to ICSI'2022! ICSI'2022 Secretariat Email: icsi2022@iasei.org ------------------------------------中文部分--------------- ICSI'2022:论文最后征集(截止日:3月15日)(Springer LNCS)(SCI/EI/ISTP/ISI/DBLP/Scopus) 名称:第十三届群体智能国际会议(ICSI'2022) 日期:2022年7月15日至19日 地点:中国西安 论文提交的最终截止日期为:“2022年3月15日” 第十三届国际群体智能会议(ICSI'2022)是国际上最重要的群体智能会议之一,为研究人员和从业者提供的全球论坛,以交流信息技术在理论、技术和应用方面的最新优势群体智能和相关领域。2022年ICSI将以混合形式在中国陕西省省会西安市举行。在ICSI'2022会议上发表的论文将由斯普林格自然出版社以LNCS专辑正式出版(由EI Compendex、ISTP、DBLP、SCOPUS、科学网ISI Thomson等编入索引),部分高水平文章将推荐到SCI期刊发表(包括IEEE Trans、IASEI Trans.Swarm IntelligenceSwarm Intelligence, International Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research, Swarm and Evolutionary Optimization, International Journal of Intelligent System, Entropy, Electronics, Machine Learning with Applications,)。由于可能存在的冠状疫情,ICSI’2022将是一个混合会议,可以根据自身情况自由选择线下或在线报告。 另外,我们的ICSI'2022还有一个新的中文通道(ICSI'2022-CT),专门接收中文论文。欢迎大家踊跃投稿! ICSI 2022秘书处 电子邮件:icsi2022@iasei.org |